Crafty meets and sweat shop treats

This is my first post on my little soap box in the internet universe, otherwise known as my blog. My main area of interest being hand made crafty ideas, that's mainly what I'll be blogging about but im also very excited about a lot of other things and have a habit of veering off into a rambly oblivion. The blog will introduce itself over time so you can get to know it....

A cup of coffee a slice of cake and a stint on the sewing machine; In the aptly named 'Sweat shop' cafe (top left) in Paris this is an average day. You pay 6euros an hour to rent one of their 10 Singer sewing machines and work on that project you have stuffed in your bottom drawer. Forget Internet cafes and a relaxing cuppa. It's a really creative concept and has come off the back of all the knitting and craft clubs springing up in pubs and cafes world wide. Even here in sunny Edinburgh Magpie Meets come together every Monday night at The Auld hoose from 6pm to 'knit, stitch, craft and chatter'. These craft groups are a great way to meet like minded crafters and get some work done...and so what if a cheeky beer sneaks its way into the mix! 

p.s If you too are lucky enough to be local to edinburgh the Magpie blog is well worth a look in.


  1. Hi Debbie. Thank you so much for mentioning my shop Gourds Adored in your blog. What a cute blog!

  2. Thanks for the Magpie mention! Hopefully you can pop down soon :)

  3. Wow that Parisian cafe sounds amazing!

  4. Hey, no problem :) will hopefully make it down for a magpie meet in the future. Im heading to Paris with my girlfriend this summer so will def have to check out the sweat shop cafe !

  5. The sewing machine the really old one, I had one the same when we lived in London and left it there:-( It was too heavy to bring home.
