Find of the week !

As I'm a thrifty car-boot sale/charity shop/jumble sale/wheely bin lover i often find hidden treasures while rummaging through bargain bins. I thought this blog would be an excellent place to show case them so i am going to feature my best find of the week every week. I would love to see any of your finds so please feel free to post links in the comments section, and in the future I'll compile a post of some of the best.

I found these 2 badges at the Omni car park car-boot sale in Edinburgh...i have to be honest I'm not sure where Anglesey is but i just love the badge. The Robin Hood one seemed to match so well i had to get them both, and at 20p each they didn't break the bank.

My second find of the week (I know I know...but badges are small so they just count as 1/2 !) is this amazing BMX reflector badge, and even better it was free ! again i got it at the car-boot but the guy just gave me it, score ! Let me know what you think !

1 comment:

  1. Just thinking! you collected badges when you were in the Brownies for your collectors badge.
    Bet they are your bed.
