Find of the week !

Well it's Thursday again and time for another find of the week. Again this one is from my local car boot, it's an old taxi meter and i picked it up for a very good price...

As you can see from the pictures it needs a bit of a clean up but I think its a fantastic find ! Remember to check back next week for another find and pleas keep sending me pics of your finds so i can put together a blog of the best :)

New cassette belt buckle pics


I did a bit of "Market research" and discovered my old etsy pics were a little confusing and as I had no pics of the buckle actually on a belt people were bemused. I took this on board and re-photographed a few of my items this evening, I have the pink one up on my site already and im hoping to get the others up in the next couple of days so watch this space.

In other news i purchased some glass paint today for my new project...


Just a super quick post as im on my way out but i was just browsing through some geeky items on etsy and found this amazing t-shirt from evietees.

if your a fan of harry potter you'll love it and if i hadn't just bought 10 new t-shirts from threadless it would be winging its way to the UK right now !

Find of the week !

As I'm a thrifty car-boot sale/charity shop/jumble sale/wheely bin lover i often find hidden treasures while rummaging through bargain bins. I thought this blog would be an excellent place to show case them so i am going to feature my best find of the week every week. I would love to see any of your finds so please feel free to post links in the comments section, and in the future I'll compile a post of some of the best.

I found these 2 badges at the Omni car park car-boot sale in Edinburgh...i have to be honest I'm not sure where Anglesey is but i just love the badge. The Robin Hood one seemed to match so well i had to get them both, and at 20p each they didn't break the bank.

My second find of the week (I know I know...but badges are small so they just count as 1/2 !) is this amazing BMX reflector badge, and even better it was free ! again i got it at the car-boot but the guy just gave me it, score ! Let me know what you think !

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

In the coming months I'm going to be moving out to the 'burbs and into to a nice little house on the beach. This means for the first time in my whole life il have my own garden (well a large balcony over the sea but you have to start somewhere) and it's got me thinking green. I think I'll start slow with a few plant pots and a BBQ and a little bird house...I got a bit carried away on my birdhouse search, who would have known there is so much variety ! Iv compiled a list of my favourite birdhouses from around the web for you to peruse.

I'll start the party with Door Country Woodwork's rather elegant Country Farm house which holds high bragging rights for whichever Wren, Finch, or Chickadee family make it their home. 

I also love their more simple styles like these 'cottage wren houses'

Secondly this feathered friend's apartment comes from Gourds Adored and is a little different from the 2 above, it "branches out" from the standard housey shape and looks much more natural. It's hand painted and would look gorgeous tucked away in a secret corner of your garden.

This one would be ideal for the gypsy bird in your life...

And last but definitely not least i love this small village of bird houses from Harmons Country Crafts:

 Thats all for now, I have my first iced latte of the year today and as usual it got my creative brain ticking so im working on some new product ideas. Obviously il post them up here as soon as they develp into something more than a scribble. Will also be kicking off my "Find of the week" section in the next couple days so check back for that.

 Over and out

Crafty meets and sweat shop treats

This is my first post on my little soap box in the internet universe, otherwise known as my blog. My main area of interest being hand made crafty ideas, that's mainly what I'll be blogging about but im also very excited about a lot of other things and have a habit of veering off into a rambly oblivion. The blog will introduce itself over time so you can get to know it....

A cup of coffee a slice of cake and a stint on the sewing machine; In the aptly named 'Sweat shop' cafe (top left) in Paris this is an average day. You pay 6euros an hour to rent one of their 10 Singer sewing machines and work on that project you have stuffed in your bottom drawer. Forget Internet cafes and a relaxing cuppa. It's a really creative concept and has come off the back of all the knitting and craft clubs springing up in pubs and cafes world wide. Even here in sunny Edinburgh Magpie Meets come together every Monday night at The Auld hoose from 6pm to 'knit, stitch, craft and chatter'. These craft groups are a great way to meet like minded crafters and get some work done...and so what if a cheeky beer sneaks its way into the mix! 

p.s If you too are lucky enough to be local to edinburgh the Magpie blog is well worth a look in.